Museum Closed

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UPDATED: Tuesday 25th January 2022.

** Please note, the museum is currently closed until further notice.**

The museum is located within our Air Force Memorial Estate which includes two of our Aged Care Facilities. As masks continue to be compulsory within high-risk areas including Aged Care Facilities and within indoor public spaces for the Perth and Peel region, we need to assess the risk to our residents and museum volunteers and the implication of this to museum visitors.

We appreciate your patience as we work through all of this to ensure the right safety measures are in place for our residents, volunteers and visitors before we reopen.

We apologise to everyone who had the museum on their holiday list and we hope to be able to welcome you back soon. We have an exciting year ahead so encourage you to keep up to date with our social media feeds.

Our volunteers have continued to maintain our aircraft and make improvements to our exhibits to make your next visit even more enjoyable when we reopen.

Our reopen date will be posted on our Facebook and Instagram pages as well as the website when it is confirmed.

Please keep safe and well and we hope to see you soon. In the meantime, check out our exciting collection online here.

Management of Aviation Heritage Museum.

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