This Roll of Honour lists the men and women who enlisted in the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in South Australia for World War II service and died as the result of that service.  Their names are recorded on Tablets affixed to the State War Memorial located at the corner of North Terrace and Kintore Avenue, Adelaide.

The Roll has been colour coded to illustrate the distribution of RAAF Aircrew Members by attachment to other Air Forces’ units as the result of Article XIV of the Empire Air Training Scheme. The names of RAAF Members who died while serving in RAAF units are shown in BLUE, in RED for those attached to RAF units and in GREEN for those attached to RCAF, RNZAF, SAAF or IAF units under the Article.

A total of 20,483 men (including 37 from the Northern Territory) and 2,651 women enlisted in South Australia for service with the RAAF and 1,176 became casualties from a 1948 report.   There are 1,261 names shown on this Roll as many from the Broken Hill area travelled to Adelaide to enlist and are shown on this Memorial.

LANGLOIS Eric Le Page DFC 416685
LARKIN Kenneth Thomas 47891
LATHLEAN Rex Tidswell 417855
LAUBE John Alexander 39342
LAUGHTON Ivan Alfred Harold 407503
LAURENTI David 407749
LAWRIE Edward Hurtle 417085
LEE Bertram 48145
LEE Sidney Francis 407177
LEES Frederick John 407901
LEESUE Clarence Melville 417649
LENIHAN Dennis Aloysius 416435
LENNARD James William Brighton 437793
LEONARD Raymond Haines 416436
LETCHER Robert John 416437
LEWIS Anthony Cresswell 282675
LEWIS Frank Herbert 407123
LEWIS John Owen 416972
LEWIS John Walsh 417089
LEWIS Robert Driscoll 416587
LEWIS Vivian 407104
LILLECRAPP Frank Gordon 47304
LITCHFIELD Gordon Hubert 417090
LLOYD Stuart Lindsay 416868
LOCKYER James Burdett 416102
LODGE Wallace Eugene 407868
LOGUE Lloyd 116312
LONGBOTTOM Eric Harvey 416004
LOVELL Eric James 429977
LOWE Robert Arthur Edward 437210
LYDEAMORE Herbert Berry 27946
LYONS Robert John 437622

MacLEOD John Edward 416591
MacLEOD Norman 140448
MacGREGOR-KING Thomas Freer 407178
MacKENZIE Douglas John 417211
MacKENZIE Lionel Grant 442292
MacPHERSON Donald Malcolm 416875
MADGE Raymond Corlett 407946
MAGOR Eric Albert 407329
MAHAR Maurice John 417590
MAHONEY Kevin Eugene 416223
MALCOLM Robert Haydon 407718
MALONE Arthur Bernard 26728
MALONEY Robert Lenard 417657
MANLY Richard Joseph 437624
MANN Stanley Dennis 153077
MANSELL Vincent William James 407719
MARKS William Elliott 438000
MARSH Peter Andrew 417311
MARSHMAN John Kenneth 407721
MARTIN Colin Hillier 417392
MARTIN Donald Henry 417503
MARTIN Douglas Thorne 407681
MARTIN Eric Bruce MID 280651

MARTIN Lewis William 416876
MARTIN Virgil Austin 417096
MASLEN John Gordon 416356
MASTERS James Walter 416593
MATHEWS Kenneth Robert Charles 407125
MATTHEWS Daniel Kerr 407004
MAWDSLEY Jack 407367
MAY Donald Bernard 429820
MAY Philip Stroud 429831
McALLEN William Albert 407294
McASKILL Colin Douglas 407505
McBRIDE Keith Martin 407441
McCARTIN James Vivian Raymond 407795
McCOLL Frederick Ramsay 407559
McCORD Donald Arthur 407560
McCULLOCH Robert William 417587
McDONALD Donald Neill 429980
McDONALD John Arnold 417233
McDONALD James Neil DFM 407529
McFADYEN James Joseph Alexander 416688
McGEE Maurice Patrick 442296
McINERNEY Francis Ignatius 122078
McINERNEY James 152548
McINERNEY Thomas Taylor 407273
McINTOSH Douglas Howie 407603
McINTOSH James Andrew 742
McINTYRE Allan David 417714
McKAY Lindsay 407903
McKECHNIE James Ian 416312
McKENNY Lancelot Loxton 416270
McKENZIE John Albert 407904
McKENZIE Lloyd George 416443
McKIGGAN Malcolm Eric 407530
McKINNON Allan Francis DFC 407531
McLAREN Clarence Ray 417092
McLAREN Lyle Manhire 416874
McLEAN Neil Douglas 416771
McLAUGHLAN Peter Blair 407063
McMANUS Terence Cathal Boyd 407179
MEAKER Arthur Reginald 416275
MELLOWSHIP Rodney James 417870
MENZIES Colin Kerr 416594
MERRETT Norman Leslie DFC & Bar 416446
MIDDLETON Charles Gordon 437314
MILFORD Ernest Osman 416276
MILLER Donald Andrew 416124
MILLIKAN Kenneth Thomas 417215
MILLS David Bruce 407298
MILLS Gordon Stanley 417872
MILLS Howard Herbert Delaine 153740
MILLS John Lake 40710
MILNE Donald Harold 416596
MILNE Malcolm Graeme 407586


MILNE Maxwell William 437435
MITCHELL Colin James 417981
MITCHELL Frederick Arthur 416359
MITCHELL Graham Douglas 416693
MITCHELL Geoffrey Gordon 664
MITCHELL Ronald Walter 442280
MOBSBY Edward Tompson 407799
MOLLET Clarence Keith 417873
MOLONY Colin Shortland 122680
MONFRIES James Baker 26790
MONK Peter Vivian 416383
MORAN Laurence Dominic 437436
MORGAN David Hugh 416598
MORLEY William Robert 437091
MORPHETT Henry Leslie Benjamin 407093
MORPHETT Philip Harold 407522
MORRIS Leonard George 115958
MORRISON Allan Wallace Campbell MID 416186
MORRISON Maurice James 407723
MORTIMER Arthur Thomas Lort 407247
MOSSOP John Norton 407846
MOYLE Alan Lipson 407534
MOYLE Ronald Albert 407847
MOYNAGH Reginald Albert 407391
MUDGE Leith Chandler 416879
MUECKE Robert Carl 283858
MULLER Harold Frederick 26117
MUNRO Robert Ronald 416360
MURN Donald John 437054
MURPHY Eric Reginald Harry 417399
MURPHY Kevin Pierre 417410
MURPHY Neville Douglas 429986
MURPHY Ronald Wilson 48223
MURRAY Geoffrey Hillam Gurr 407094
MURRIE Glen Inglis MID 416600
MURRIN George Burnaford 47153
MUTTON Malcolm James 28263

NAFFIN Robert Clarence 416601
NANCARROW Roderick John 27601
NAPIER Keith Mellis 407249
NATTRASS James William 442477
NEIGHBOUR Robert Sutton 416450
NEILL Kenneth John 407800
NEWALL Leslie Vyvyan 407311
NEWBERY Kent 407725
NEWSTEAD Trevor 416780
NEYLON Maxwell Verdun 27324
NICHTERLEIN Willie Everard 416104
NICHOLLS Peter William 417507
NICHOLLS William John 407726
NICHOLSON Ronald Laing 417220
NIELSEN Murray Wilson 2642
NITSCHKE Clemence Friedrich
NITSCHKE Richard Hasting 407181

This Roll of Honour shows the names of Airmen and one Airwoman who enlisted from South Australia but whose names have not been included on the Roll displayed on the State War Memorial.  All qualify for the National Roll of Honour.

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